

Bespoke Tailort Tailort


Today was the second day casual fair.
Was also down a little rain, we had a lot of customers visit us.

Some customers Ira~tsu person than play in the garden, from beginning to end was peaceful.
Garden cafe that was just completed last Sun, it seems like our customers immediately.

Visit us today, we had a lot of people really up to customers who wish to yourself that you received from customers who visit us many times that, for the first time that you order a suit, the suit.
It was popular in such a fabric of hemp is still.
It has appeared many times on this blog.

Many customers did you travel you say dark blue is very popular, especially, want to be tailoring your jacket in that fabric.

Golden Week is the end, we have to become a season of rain is also Vietnam and Japan.
I think also some who come and humid weather continues, it is not clear mood.
Since hemp is rich in hygroscopic even when such, you can wear and kidnapping.

In addition, the fabric is made of chemical fiber, so vivid coloring, you may want to wear, such as when you want to raise the mood.

Let's raise the mood in hard to enjoy fashion.

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Bespoke Tailort Tailort
~ Taylor ~ authentic Hanoi, Vietnam
ADD 5 Tay Ho, Tay Ho, Hanoi, Vietnam
TEL 0437191575
TEL 01205379033
MAIL tailort@suit-ya.com
MAP http://maps.google.com/maps/place?hl=ja&georestrict=input_srcid:c32349cacd6d119e
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