Have you ever seen this kind of tie yet? It is a normal tie as the others but inside we still have differences. Another is that normally only 1 tie same fabric but in our store, then tie was used in 2 different fabrics, this has always been the highlight created for users that you become well turn to tie you are taking. If you want to get a tie like that, please come to with us, we always welcome the presence of you all.
Thank you very much.
Tailort Staff
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Bespoke Tailor Tailort Full-scale Taylor ~ to ~ Hanoi, Vietnam
ADD 5 Tay Ho, 5Tay Ho, Hanoi, Vietnam
TEL 0437191575
TEL 01205379033
MAIL tailort@suit-ya.com
MAP Google Map URL http://ameblo.jp/bespoketailortailort5/
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