e stock socks.
Socks of this place, is a hot item just arrived just the other day.
Peds are two types of (shallow socks up to the top of the foot) flat socks
If you pass as a present even if there are several pieces, it is not troubled socks, but it is pleased with practical.
The accessory and at any time, cloth, etc., to the arrival everyone
We are so I wish to make it introduce, to stay tuned!
Visit of everyone, I looking forward by all means!
Tailort Staff
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Bespoke Tailor Tailort Full-scale Taylor ~ to ~ Hanoi, Vietnam
ADD 5 Tay Ho, nTay Ho, Hanoi, Vietnam
TEL 0437191575
TEL 01205379033
MAIL tailort@suit-ya.com
MAP Google Map
URL http://ameblo.jp/bespoketailortailort5/
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