

Bespoke Tailor Tailort

Hi there
There was shaking Aga there for coming to our store today.
Probably because it rained last night, I can spend comparatively cool today.

In Tailort, but we are planning to fitting of many visitors today
Even for those who suit can not take away rectification enters in fitting recently,
If you are considering whether many to be let to buy something because of the long-awaited visit,
Purchase rate of small post-fitting is often! Lol

If the product is introduced in the example, key ring!
Here is the thing which was received last time, but is available again once sold in no time.

Key Chain of necessities for customers to ride a bike again.
Because no sense increasing key is increased when living in my own Vietnam
Key chains are very handy.

Two with key chain that sells in our store, especially
Key Chain is recommended.
By being forced open firmly-packed frail women (laughs)
It does not damage the nail, and replacement and unfastened is simple.

Please, try to take your hand when you come to our store by all means.

In addition, bracelets and glasses, card case in our store,
Although we offer many products wallet, such as belts and shoes
All of which is because it is new products
But please look at you by all means shop.

■ consultation order suit shirts

"Please leave it to our store by all means if the order-order suit shirts in Vietnam!"

The question or something When buying a suit order
Measuring method and anxiety and, please feel free to contact us.

Consultation is here ↓

To the visitor who returned to Japan

■ I can GET a free fabric samples in Japan.

Your home to deliver a free fabric samples!
Measurement in stores Tailort, I was allowed to tailor a suit, etc.
Because we have been not lose the data
Simply you choose the fabric from Japan, suit can deliver it easily.

Been to the one that had request a sample fabric free now,
original major gift of one person even can measure easily.

It becomes the return unnecessary. For a hand, please check the texture and hue fact.
I will send it with free shipping.

■ consultation order suit shirts
The question or something When buying a suit order
Measuring method and anxiety and, please feel free to contact us.

Consultation is here ↓

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■ Official Twitter of Bespoke Tailort Tailort


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Bespoke Tailor Tailort
Full-scale tailor-to-Hanoi, Vietnam
ADD 5 Tay Ho, nTay Ho, Hanoi, Vietnam
TEL 0437191575
TEL 01205379033
MAIL tailort@suit-ya.com
MAP http://maps.google.com/maps/place?hl=ja&georestrict=input_srcid:c32349cacd6d119e
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