

There are also fun.

Visit us today, we had a lot of customers during the full of light rain.Many customers of receipt of the suit and shirt,I can receive with no problem even if the original weekend,Person who has also said, "looking forward to the finished, would stop by after work Tsuitsui" andNow feeling very happy.

Well as our staff, to appreciate just enjoy coming to your store purposely in a bad foot,Wait is that me who I am delighted above all looking forward to the completion.We also, at any moment there when you give you a suit to our customers the most tense,There are also fun.

That up to tailoring products tailored to meet the desiredAnd while imagining, willing to enjoy what face anyAnd that you clean the suit was completed, the face is torn Tsuitsui.

Have you liked the suit was made,Or can the order every time you visit us,Customers also come to be casually scheduled stop over shopping withoutWe do realize that I'm not familiar with the shop and this gradually became familiar with TayHo Street.

Customers can go more and more familiar is that, they really appreciate,If you do not feel any pressure and better offers the following products at the same time always better.

Way that has not been tailoring a suit in our shop yetAll means, please try it on to play in the shop.Alone inflate an image from the rich fabric ofWe thought you might enjoy the kit.

Bespoke Tailort Tailort
~ Taylor ~ authentic Hanoi, Vietnam
ADD 5 Tay Ho, Tay Ho, Hanoi, Vietnam
TEL 0437191575
TEL 01205379033
MAIL tailort@suit-ya.com
MAP http://maps.google.com/maps/place?hl=ja&georestrict=input_srcid:c32349cacd6d119e